We Should Talk About the “Act Your Wage” Trend

Numerous workplace trends have emerged in the past few years, many of which employers are not fond of. “Quiet quitting” is an example of such a trend, where workers will do the bare minimum—nothing more—to retain their employment. More recently, the trend has been to “act your wage.” Let’s look at what this means and how to handle it if you ever encounter it in your business.

Use Your Business Technology for Better Change Management Efforts

Whether you like it or not, change comes for us all—particularly for businesses. Any organization that hopes to see any significant growth or innovation will be subject to change. Your organization should be capable of working with change, and when it comes to factors that can influence how well you adapt to change, there is no greater tool than your company’s IT.

Big Data Can Help Fuel Your Business’ Growth

Your business is as valuable as the data it collects, meaning that if you’re not taking full advantage of your data, you’re leaving money on the table. SMBs need all of the strategic advantages they can get, and one way you can gain such an advantage on your competition is through utilizing big data. Let’s explore how big data can transform your operations for the better.

How to Weigh Your Cloud Options

Businesses have done incredible things with the cloud, regardless of their chosen industries, sizes, and scopes. In particular, they have innovated to create opportunities for scaling growth and operations. How can your organization do the same? We want to help you implement a cloud solution that addresses all of your pain points. To do this, you can start by learning more about the differences between the public, private, and hybrid cloud solutions available to you.

Thinking About Pushing a Return to Office? You May Want to Think Again

It’s been a few years since remote work was suddenly thrust into popularity, and in that time, remote or hybrid styles of work have become a means for businesses to return to normal operations without requiring a full return to the office. While many seem perfectly content to continue operating in this way, there are businesses that are pushing for a return to how things once were. Let’s talk about why this strategy may not be all that wise.

Preserving Connectivity is Crucial Amongst Remote Workers

We aren’t shy about the numerous benefits that remote work has to offer. That being said, as it becomes increasingly clear that remote work is going to be a part of operations in some shape or form, it will be a challenge to keep those working remotely engaged as a part of a company’s established culture. Let’s examine this issue, and a few ways to address it.