AI Can Dramatically Improve Your Business Operations

AI has infiltrated the zeitgeist in a way that few technologies have. It’s rare to hear about anyone who has no opinion on how it should or should not be used. Businesses, however, can take full advantage of the situation and capitalize on the use of AI in operations and products. Today, we want to explore the opportunity businesses have to use AI to add value to their offerings.

The Department of Homeland Security will Use AI, Here’s How?

With artificial intelligence becoming a household conversation starter across the country, it’s no wonder the technology has become a key part of operations for countless entities. It’s used in business, education, civic life, and elsewhere… including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. How is the US DHS using AI to promote the security of everyday Americans?

AI is a Security Threat You Cannot Ignore

2023 was a banner year for AI (Artificial Intelligence), as it truly entered the zeitgeist in a way that it previously had failed to. Many companies and industries have considered ways to implement AI and make it part of their operations, while others might be fearful of it for its role in job scarcity. However, 2024 might show businesses that they should be worried about AI for a reason you might not have anticipated: AI-generated cyberthreats.

AI Is Helping Stoplight Technology to Be More Eco-Friendly

Artificial Intelligence may seem like a concept straight out of science fiction, but its practical applications often extend beyond the realms of entertainment. Consider Operation Green Light, an initiative spearheaded by Google that delves into the realm of AI for traffic control with a focus on its environmental impact, aiming to contribute positively to society.