Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Social Media Threats in 2024

You can take numerous steps to secure your social media accounts and tighten your privacy settings. Yet, every time you log in, you’re still exposing yourself to a vast stream of information and content. Our civilization has never encountered anything like this before. These platforms are designed to curate content you want to see, encouraging you to stay longer and return frequently. This design, meant to be enticing and addictive, poses dangers, especially to certain individuals.

Do What You Need to Do to Make Phishing a Non-Issue

If you are a consistent reader of this blog, it will not surprise you that we think of phishing as one of the most significant threats that impact businesses today, regardless of their size or industry. Understanding this threat and implementing effective prevention measures is vital for safeguarding your organization. Let’s go into how you can minimize the impact of phishing schemes and protect your business.

The Department of Homeland Security will Use AI, Here’s How?

With artificial intelligence becoming a household conversation starter across the country, it’s no wonder the technology has become a key part of operations for countless entities. It’s used in business, education, civic life, and elsewhere… including the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. How is the US DHS using AI to promote the security of everyday Americans?

Use These Security Tips the Next Time You Travel for Work

Travel has become a common occurrence for many employees and business professionals. Yet despite the travel, their responsibilities do not get put on halt. Whether it’s for a conference, a professional development workshop, or visiting a potential client or vendor, chances are you’ll bring technology with you. It’s up to you to ensure that it is kept safe from today’s rampant cyberthreats.

What is the Apple Mercenary Attack, and Why Should You Care?

Apple rarely sends out alerts about threats, and that is because threats that target Apple devices are somewhat rare in the first place. However, on April 10, 2024, Apple saw fit to send one to certain users in 92 nations by email. These notifications were “designed to inform and assist users who may have been individually targeted by mercenary spyware attacks.” What does this mean, exactly?