Tip of the Week: Quickly Split Text Between Columns in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a handy tool to help businesses keep their data organized… provided it has been used accurately and to its full potential. However, it isn’t uncommon for some people to cram all the information of a record into a single cell and limit the value that Excel has to offer. Once this goes on long enough, it can feel like there’s no fixing it. Let’s go over how you can, in fact, fix it.

Different Size Businesses Need Different CRMs

Different Size Businesses Need Different CRMs

Establishing and nurturing positive customer relationships stands as important for any business. A vital tool in achieving this goal is the implementation of a customer relationship management (CRM) platform. While many CRMs share common features, some offer more advanced capabilities at a higher cost. This month, we will explore the suitable CRM options for businesses at different levels.

Two Places Collaboration Improves a Business

Two Places Collaboration Improves a Business

Enhancing collaboration is pivotal for the success of many businesses, and leveraging technology can exponentially improve collaborative outcomes. The challenge lies in identifying the most suitable collaboration tools for your organization’s specific needs. In this month’s newsletter, we will explore two categories of software that can enhance your organizational collaboration.

Modern Communication Problems Require Modern Solutions

Small businesses might not be used to having high-quality or top-tier communication solutions available to them, but in today’s fast-paced business environment, they need them to keep up with the many challenges SMBs face. After all, SMBs need all the tools they can muster to outpace the competition. Let’s go over some communication tools that can help you get there.

You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2024

You Absolutely Need a Password Manager in 2024

It doesn’t matter who you are; your age, your occupation, your employment status, your station in life—you need to make 2024 the year you get your cybersecurity hygiene in check. What we’re going to talk about today isn’t overkill, overly complicated, or expensive. This isn’t us trying to sell you on something. In fact, this is probably the easiest New Year’s Resolution you can give yourself. First, let me start with a really quick story.

AI is a Security Threat You Cannot Ignore

2023 was a banner year for AI (Artificial Intelligence), as it truly entered the zeitgeist in a way that it previously had failed to. Many companies and industries have considered ways to implement AI and make it part of their operations, while others might be fearful of it for its role in job scarcity. However, 2024 might show businesses that they should be worried about AI for a reason you might not have anticipated: AI-generated cyberthreats.