If You Care About the Earth, You May Want to Send Fewer Messages

We all share a lot of data. There’s everything shared for professional purposes, of course, but there’s also all the casual things that we send back and forth—chats, requests to have people to pick up things on the way home, and (naturally) memes and pet pictures. Most of this is sent off without a thought. However, let’s take a moment to think about it for a moment… is there an impact to all this data being sent around?

This Patch Prevents Your Computer from Frying, But Only If You’ve Installed it Quick Enough

Your computer’s CPU is one of the most sensitive, advanced pieces of technology that you probably don’t think too much about. The CPU itself is just around 4-5 centimeters in length and width, and it handles all of the data processing in your computer. Every single thing you do on a computer gets calculated through the CPU. Most modern CPUs have billions of microscopic transistors in that tiny little space. These transistors are so small that you can fit hundreds of them on a single red blood cell, or thousands of them in the width of a human hair. So it’s inevitable that something can go wrong. Many fairly modern computers are experiencing a bug right now that could potentially and permanently damage the CPU. There’s a patch to fix it, but if the damage is already done, the patch won’t repair it.