Tip of the Week: How to Avoid Social Media Threats in 2024

You can take numerous steps to secure your social media accounts and tighten your privacy settings. Yet, every time you log in, you’re still exposing yourself to a vast stream of information and content. Our civilization has never encountered anything like this before. These platforms are designed to curate content you want to see, encouraging you to stay longer and return frequently. This design, meant to be enticing and addictive, poses dangers, especially to certain individuals.

We Should Talk About the “Act Your Wage” Trend

Numerous workplace trends have emerged in the past few years, many of which employers are not fond of. “Quiet quitting” is an example of such a trend, where workers will do the bare minimum—nothing more—to retain their employment. More recently, the trend has been to “act your wage.” Let’s look at what this means and how to handle it if you ever encounter it in your business.

Use These 5 Password Best Practices to Protect Yourself Online

Passwords have long been a cornerstone of online account security, paired with usernames to form the basis of most login systems. Consequently, they are prime targets for hackers seeking to steal credentials and gain unauthorized access to accounts or networks. The inherent weaknesses of poor passwords have become more apparent in recent years, however. This has prompted the growing adoption of additional security measures available to users.